You have rights as a victim of crime
Everyone who lives in Queensland has rights under the Human Rights Act 2019 Qld.
As a victim of a violent crime, you have special rights as part of the criminal justice journey. These include being told about the investigation, the court process (such as hearing dates), and the name of the person charged with the crime. Your rights are outlined in the Charter of Victims’ Rights.
Watch this video for information on your rights as outlined in the Charter of Victims’ Rights.
You also have the right to make a complaint relating to the Charter of Victims’ Rights.
If you feel any of these rights have not been upheld, you can either:
- complain directly to the organisation you believe hasn’t upheld your rights or
- submit a complaint to the Office of the Victims’ Commissioner by:
- using their contact form
- phoning them on 1800 714 100 between 8.30am and 4pm.
With your permission, a friend or family member can also make this complaint on your behalf.
VictimConnect can help you with this process. If you have already accessed VictimConnect, speak with your current practitioner about this. If you are yet to talk to anyone at VictimConnect, you can call our helpline any time.
You can also make a complaint, at any time, about our service if you feel we are not meeting your expectations or we have not upheld your rights. Our Client Charter has more information about this process which you can find here.