Women’s Sector Response to Forensic DNA Testing in Queensland

Media Statement, issued 21st September 2022
Women’s Sector Response to Commission of Inquiry into Forensic DNA Testing in Queensland first Interim Report
There is no excuse for an error of this scale. We stand beside victim survivors to seek answers and an understanding of how this has happened.
We understand that coming forward to report in the first place may have been an extremely difficult decision and in the least, we need to trust that our systems are able to protect us, keep us safe and support justice.
We collectively commit our specialist services and resources to helping you work through this, in whatever way that makes sense for you.
We commit our specialist services, resources and influence, alongside you, to ensure the impacts of this are known, that your rights as victim survivors are respected and the importance of getting this right moving forward is clear.
We also fully support Queensland Sexual Assault Network’s (QSAN) position on this situation and their recent statement requesting government have a trauma informed proactive approach when working through this situation.
In solidarity,
All members of WHSA, QDVSN and EVAWQ
More reading
- Latest Media Statement from QLD Government – https://statements.qld.gov.au/statements/96177
- News article from ABC – https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-20/qld-premier-shocked-interim-findings-forensic-testing-lab/101457092
- Interim report – https://www.health.qld.gov.au/research-reports/reports/review-investigation/commission-of-inquiry-forensic-dna-testing
Queensland Domestic Violence Service Network (QDVSN) is a network of Queensland regional Domestic Violence Services. QDVSN works collaboratively and strategically to advance understanding of, and works to eliminate gender, structural, political, economic, legal and cultural inequalities and inequities which result in gender based violence in all its forms. QDVSN provide peer support, information sharing and debriefing within our membership and is a change agent by providing education, a reference point and a collective voice to Government, non-government and member services on State and National issues relating to domestic and family violence. www.qdvsn.com
Women’s Health Services Alliance (WHSA) consists of the regional and state-wide services funded to provide women’s health and wellbeing services in Queensland. Delivering robust and cohesive women’s health and wellbeing services throughout Queensland. Our objectives include advocating as an expert body for Queensland women’s health and well-being and be a voice to government on women’s health and wellbeing service delivery and policy. We aim to maintain a proactive role in the continuous development of the Alliance community-based service models through information sharing and collaborative projects and collaborate, network and provide peer support for all Alliance members. http://qwhn.asn.au/womens-health-services-alliance-queensland-whsa/
Ending Violence Against Women Queensland (EVAWQ) is a peak body that provides a representative and united voice for Queensland women and children affected by gender-based violence, and the individuals and service agencies that provide specialist support. EVAWQ brings together the knowledge of the Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Women’s Refuge and Women’s Health Services in a collaborative way to focus on preventing men’s violence. Successful activation of violence prevention is key to stopping the ever-increasing statistics of men’s perpetration of violence against women and children. The EVAWQ peak creates opportunities to collaborate, share, advocate and activate violence prevention. www.evawq.org
Queensland Sexual Assault Network Inc. (QSAN) is a network of non-Government services funded to provide specialist sexual assault counselling, support and prevention programs in Queensland. QSAN is the peak body for sexual violence prevention and support organisations in Queensland. QSAN is committed to working collaboratively towards ensuring all Queenslanders who have experienced sexual violence recently or historically, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation and cultural background receive a high quality response in line with best practice, client-centered principles. www.qsan.org.au