
Everyone has the right to be respected and live without fear from violence.


Integrity, Compassion, Accountability, Respect, Empowerment.


To support victims of crime to find pathways to recovery and justice.


  1. All people deserve to feel safe and access the support they choose.
  2. Victims of crime deserve justice, whatever that looks like for them.
  3. Victims of crime have rights and their needs will be respected.
  4. It is critical that we continue to learn from and include diverse voices of survivors and culturally diverse communities when seeking to prevent violence.
  5. We provide inclusive services that are evidence-based and trauma informed.
  6. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People know best what their communities need and want.
  7. We acknowledge and respect the abilities, strengths, goals and needs of people living with disability.
  8. We are committed to working collaboratively as part of a broader system.
  9. Our governance will be robust, ethical and transparent.

VictimConnect is a Service provided by DVConnect.

Call 1300 318 940