When a loved one has experienced a violent crime, it is normal to feel like you want to step in, make things right, and help them get justice. It is also normal to feel in shock, and unsure how to help. Whatever you are feeling is completely natural and we have written this page to help you. You can also call us for free and confidential advice anytime.

Call 1300 318 940

Support a friend or family member in these simple ways

Believe them
Sometimes a victim survivor of a violent crime just needs you to listen and believe them and that is enough.

Ask them what they need and how you can help
Be guided by your family member or friend on how you can help. Don’t jump into action unless a loved one asks you to.

Stay in touch
If they become distant or withdrawn, it’s important you keep a line of communication open by letting them know you are here to talk whenever they need. Their support network is critical in their recovery from an experience of a violent crime.

Share support services with them
Let them know that services like VictimConnect and Victim Assist QLD can help and that they are free to access.

Don’t push them for details
You don’t need to know everything about their experience of a violent crime to be supportive. Let them share with you what they feel comfortable with. And allow them to share things with you in their own time.

Don’t victim-blame
Avoid interrogating your friend or family member about what happened or what could have been done to have prevented the crime. This is subtle victim-blaming and a victim, survivor is never to blame for a crime they experienced.

Remember that the court process can be long and frustrating
Be there to support them through the court process which can be complicated and intimidating. They might withdraw from the process, refuse to press charges or do something else that you don’t agree with. It doesn’t matter what they do, just be there for them and keep reminding them that they have rights.

Call us for free advice
You can call VictimConnect if you are a friend or family member of someone who has experienced a violent crime and you need some more advice on how to help. 

Call 1300 318 940