Content warning: descriptions of physical assaults and intimate partner violence, including non-fatal strangulation.
Ethel, 80, Caboolture Queensland*
Ethel’s Department of Housing property was broken into by a group of men one early Sunday morning. Ethel was pushed to the ground as the group of men robbed her house of cash and jewellery. Ethel managed to get to her phone to call an ambulance after the men fled. She was taken her to hospital where the hospital social worker connected Ethel with the police and VictimConnect.
VictimConnect provided telephone counselling, facilitated a lock change via the Department of Housing, and assisted Ethel to access financial assistance via Victim Assist QLD. We also helped Ethel to link in with her GP to access a Mental Health Care Plan for ongoing psychological support and an Enhanced Primary Care Plan for Physiotherapy. Ethel agreed to a referral to a Legal Centre as well as some home visits through a local community visitor scheme so she could take a walk with someone, have a cup of tea and some companionship.
*This story is a culmination of various victim’s unique experiences and the options we could provide to a victim of this crime
Darryn, 46, Mount Isa Queensland*
Darryn was strangled at their home by their partner John. Darryn passed out and when they regained consciousness, John was gone. Although dazed and with blurry vision, Darryn was able to call 000 for an ambulance. Darryn was taken to the hospital and assessed by a Doctor who told Darryn to monitor their symptoms and book a follow up with their GP tomorrow. A nurse gave Darryn the number for VictimConnect so that they would have some support after they left the hospital.
Unsure of what VictimConnect could offer but feeling worried about their blurry vision, Darryn called VictimConnect. In speaking with Darryn, the Counsellor ascertained that because it was a busy Friday night in the Emergency Department, Darryn was not given an MRI. In understanding the high risk associated with non-fatal strangulation, the VictimConnect Counsellor asked for Darryn’s consent to advocate with the hospital for Darryn to receive an MRI that night. VictimConnect organised transport through Queensland Ambulance Service and connected with the Social Worker at the hospital to facilitate a call with DVConnect which Darryn had consented to over the phone. DVConnect discussed some safe accommodation and other options with Darryn for when they leave the hospital. The same night, Darryn received an MRI at the hospital and a Safety Plan from the DVConnect Counsellor so that Darryn could remain in the home which was their choice.
*This story is a culmination of various victim’s unique experiences and the options we could provide to a victim of this crime

Cameron, 22, Brisbane Queensland*
3 years ago, Cameron was walking home late one night with a friend after a party when they were attacked by two strangers. Cameron’s friend was stabbed multiple times and the attackers fled, leaving Cameron on the side of the road with his mate. A passing car stopped and called an ambulance. Devastatingly Cameron’s friend died in hospital due to his injuries.
Cameron sustained significant PTSD from the incident and over the last 3 years has been unable to continue his apprenticeship, has fractured relationships with family resulting in regular couchsurfing with mates, and has developed maladaptive coping strategies through the frequent use of marijuana.
Cameron was caught driving under the influence by the police in the last 6 months and was referred to an alcohol and drug service as part of a diversionary order. Learning of Cameron’s recent exposure to such a violent and serious crime, the alcohol and drug service brought VictimConnect into Cameron’s existing case management plan so that we could assist Cameron to receive psycho education, and court support, to complete a Victim Impact Statement, and a Victims Register Application as well as financial assistance through Victim Assist QLD.
The VictimConnect Counsellor was also able to provide a referral to a First Nations service for young people and a not-for-profit housing service.
Cameron now had more options and supports around him, including cultural supports which he could access on his own terms as part of his healing and recovery from a violent crime.
*This story is a culmination of various victim’s unique experiences and the options we could provide to a victim of this crime