VictimConnect works alongside some key agencies to meet the community’s needs. We refer clients to agencies that can provide specialised support for victims of crime, including support for male victim survivors of sexual assault, support for people with intellectual or learning disabilities who have experienced violent crime, homicide support and recovery, and court support for complex and/or intensive cases for children and adults.
Find out more about our partners below.
Victim Assist Queensland

Victim Assist Queensland (VAQ) is our key government partner service and sits under the Department of Justice and Attorney General. VAQ provides direct client services, including financial supports for people who have experienced an “act of violence”.
VAQ are also the agency that funds VictimConnect. Find out more about our partner at here.
54 Reasons

54 Reasons works in Australia, the Pacific and around the world to protect children from abuse and neglect, provide access to healthcare and education and to assist children in times of emergency.
In partnership with VictimConnect, 54 Reasons provides Case Management services and specialised support to victims of violent crime in Queensland. Find out more about our partner here.

WWILD supports people with intellectual or learning disabilities who have experienced sexual abuse or have been victims of crime.
WWILD also works with the families, carers and services who support them. Find out more about our partner at
Queensland Homicide Victims’ Support Group

Queensland Homicide Victims’ Support Group (QHVSG) provides 24 hour support, personal advocacy and education to all people affected by homicides in Queensland, regardless of age, gender, culture or religion.
Find out more about our partner at
Protect all children today

Protect all children today (PACT) educates, empowers and supports children and vulnerable victims and witnesses of any age, helping them understand the legal system and being by their side as they give their best evidence.
PACT’s end goal is to ensure every vulnerable victim and witness in Queensland is supported through the stressful process of giving evidence, empowered throughout their justice journey.
Find out more about our partner at